Sale and Purchase vessels weekly report

Following the sale of the Ultramax “Nord Everest” 60/2016 Oshima, Japan
(SS 05/2026, DD 06/2024, BWTS fitted) a week ago at USD 24,5 mill, Mssrs
Norden have now sold the younger “Nord Amazon” 64/2020 Oshima, Japan
(SS/DD 07/2025, BWTS & Scrubber fitted) to Greek buyers for region USD 32
The Handysize “Tomini Norte” 38/2016 Avic, China (SS 09/2026, DD
12/2024, BWTS fitted) was committed at mid-high USD 17 mill. Remind you
that the “Tomini Bora” 38/2016 Zhejiang, China (SS 01/2026, DD 01/2024,
BWTS fitted) was sold a month ago at USD 19,65 mill. In addition, the two
years-younger sister vessel “Bulk Trader” 37/2018 Avic, China (SS 01/2028,
DD 11/2025, BWTS fitted) was sold at USD 20,5 mill basis T/C back till
February 2024 at 12.500 usd/pd.