Shipbuilding News 2015/12/31
News Brief:
Shipbuilding News:
* Wuzhou Shipyard becomes first state-run shipyard to go bust
* Bank of China applies to liquidate Sainty Marine
* HHI resumes yard operation
* HHI sells stocks worth $130m
* [Year-end report] Korean main yards won total $33.5bn
* "Yards to see rebound from 2H 2016"
Shipping News:
* China Merchants and Sinotrans & CSC merger to take more than three years
* S. Korea to create US$1.2 bln fund for shipping industry
Steel News:
* Iron ore futures surge as rebar rally, physical buying supports
Energy News:
* Oil prices decline amid rising inventories
Biz China:
* China external debt at $1.53t by September
* Baltic Dry Index
BDI 478 (0)
BCI 470
BPI 462
BSI 450 (0)
BHSI 270 (0)
* TC Avg ($/day)
BCI 5T/C 4,965 (0)
BPI 4T/C 3,692
BSI 6T/C 4,703 (0)
* Exchange Rate
USD / KRW 1,172.0
USD / RMB 6.4936
* Crude Future ($/barrel)
WTI 36.80
Brent 36.57
* Buker (Singapore, $/ton)
177.00 187.00 327.50 337.50