Shipbuilding News 2016/03/15

News Brief:

Shipbuilding News:

* Chengxi wins chem tanker duo

* STX Dalian sold unfinished VLOC

* DSIC to join Iran‘s NB program

* Yeunsoo bags small Chem TK trio

* DSME agrees to delay Ichthys FPSO

Shipping News:

* China delays, busy March program push Asia VLCC rates above w70

* Product tanker markets to find additional support

Steel News:

* POSCO-Hyundai Steel raise steel price?

Energy News:

* Oil prices drop as Iran raises output

Biz China:

* China vows to invest more in infrastructure, public services

* Baltic Dry Index

BDI      393          ()



BCI      179          +3


        (BPI      481 +4

BSI      427          ()


BHSI    252          ()


* TC Avg ($/day)

BCI  5T/C    

BPI  4T/C    

BSI  6T/C    

* Exchange Rate

USD / KRW   1,186.5

USD / RMB    6.5079

* Crude Future ($/barrel)

WTI       37.38

Brent     39.67

* Buker  (Singapore, $/ton)

 IF380      IFO180     MDO     MGO

187.00      195.00     348.00   358.00