Shipbuilding News 2016/05/23
News Brief:
Shipbuilding News:
* Chinese yard saw NB order axed
* HHI to bag first LNG carrier of year
* DMHI will be back to ship repair
* Sungdong resolves to recover management
* Korean yards swept the first four places
Shipping News:
* Tanker Market: Oil supply disruptions offer mixed outlook for tankers
* Asia Tankers-VLCC rates to fall before rebounding on new charter fixtures
Steel News:
* Falling iron ore volumes spell bad news for embattled capesize market
Energy News:
* Crude prices drop amid ample supplies
Biz China:
* China to import goods worth $10 trillion over next 5 years
* Baltic Dry Index
BDI 625 (-9)
BCI 870 (-36)
BPI 614 (-3)
BSI 562 (+4)
BHSI 343 (+1)
* TC Avg ($/day)
BCI 5T/C 6,981 (-397)
BPI 4T/C 4,909 (-19)
BSI 6T/C 5,879 (+48)
* Exchange Rate
USD / KRW 1,188.4
USD / RMB 6.5455
* Crude Future ($/barrel)
WTI 48.46
Brent 48.72
* Buker (Singapore, $/ton)
228.00 238.00 420.00 430.00