Product Details
GENERAL NOTICE1.The rates quoted herein are in US Dollars.
2.The rates are applicable to the works carried out the normal working hours, that is five working days a week, and eight working hours a day. Ant works done outside of this hours or on National holidays and yards holidays shall be charged with extra overtime, ship on voyage repair will be priced extra.
3.All prices quoted herein are for ship repairs carried out in the premises of shipyard, extra price should be added for such repairs carried at the port berth, buoys, anchorage according to the actual work to be done.
4.Any vessel during the period of repair in the yard, unless agreed by the yard, the Customer shall not be permitted to employ any labour other than yard to perform repairs.
5.The yard shall not be responsible for the consequences of war, earthquake or causes beyond yards control.
6.All scrapped material except heavy parts of machinery, propeller and tailshafts shall be yards property.
7.This tariff is applicable to repair of freight carriers only, repairs of other types of ship are beyond of this tariff scope.
8.This tariff becomes effective from January 1st 2007 subject to revised price depending on the change in material cost etc. without notice.
Machinery Department
1. Diesel main Engine (Single acting crosshead type)
1.1 Open up cylinder cover, remove, other accessory parts.
Cylinder bore (mm) |
Per unit |
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 |
360 400 440 480 520 560 600 |
1.2 Draw out piston and clean for survery, gauging cylinder liner and close up on completion.
Cylinder bore (mm) |
Per unit |
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 |
600 675 750 825 900 975 1050 |
1.3 Draw out cylinder liner, clean and paint in way of cooling water space, refit in position with new rubber rings, hydrotest liner on completion.(owner supply paint and rubber rings)
Cylinder bore (mm) |
Per unit |
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 |
430 480 540 590 650 700 750 |
1.4 Draw and examination of mail cross hand and crank bearing, clean after refitting.(per pair)
Cylinder bore(mm) |
Cross Hand bearing |
Crankpin bearing |
Main bearing |
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 |
210 230 250 270 290 310 330 |
160 180 200 220 240 270 300 |
140 160 180 200 220 250 280 |
Note: (1)For any size between two specillied sizes, rate of higher size shall be applied. (2)Open up main bearing at top half 50% charge. (3)Bearings adjusting of clearance shall 200% charge. (4)Gauging and adjusting centre shall charge extra. (5)The above prices are not applicable to medium speed engine, shall be extra. (6)Due to erosion of engine`s parts for making special tools for removing and refitting parts, the price shall be charged extra. (7)Any repair work shall be extra.
1.5 Exhaust Valve
Remove exhaust valve to workshop, open up, clean. grind in hydr test and return on board.
Cylinder bore (mm) |
Per unit cyl |
400 – 600 700 – 800 900 – 1000 |
400 420 470 |
1.6 Stuffing Box
Remove piston rod stuffing box, renew spare metallic packing rings (owner supply) dress. adjust clearance and refit same.
Cylinder bore (mm) |
Per unit cyl |
400 – 600 700 – 800 900 – 1000 |
250 265 280 |
1.7 Crankshaft deflection
To check crankshaft deflection before and after repair and submit copies of reading.
For 6 cylinder engine For 8 cylinder engine |
170 190 |
2. Turbo Charger
Open cover, remove rotor, clean. overhaul. Renew owner supply spare parts, close and test.(exclude remove air inlet, case and exhaust case. Rotor ballance and silencer chemical cleaning)
Type |
Per unit |
VTR 200 VTR 250 VTR 320 VTR 500 VTR 630 VTR 750 |
420 530 730 1200 1440 2090 |
3. Heat exchangers
3.1 Aux condenser, L.O. cooler and F.W. cooler.
Open up covers, clean sea water side.cover inside coat with paint and close, test per set.
Exchangers surface area
Up to 20m3 Up to 50m3 Up to 80m3 Up to 150m3 |
450 540 630 720 |
3.2 L.O.cooler and F.W.cooler inside clean and chemical cleaning in workshop. Open up covers, clean inside with chemical, test and close, per set.
Exchangers surface area
Up to 20m3 Up to 50m3 Up to 80m3 Up to 150m3 |
810 970 1134 1296 |
Note: (1)Zinc plate and other accessory parts renewal shall be extra. (2)Above price excluding removals of obstruction access. (3)If staging necessary, price to be extra.
4. Heat exchangers
Clean boiler water and fire surface. |
2800 per boiler |
4.2 Boiler mounting repair:
Boiler mounting to open up. Check for survey in place, grind in and close with new packing.
Valve diameter (mm) |
Globe Valve |
Cock |
1”25 mm 2”50 mm 3”75 mm 4”100 mm 5”125 mm |
40 52 75 100 120 |
70 80 |
Note: (1)Overhaul of superheater valve shall be extra. (2)Any repair and renew shall be extra. (3)Remove valve to workshop repair shall be extra.
4.3 Safety valve.
Safety valve to opeb up. Check for survey in place, grind in. and close with new packing, refit same and test.
Single valve Double valve |
270 per pc 390 per pc |
Note: Removal to workshop repair shall be extra.
4.4 Test
Supply fresh water for testing, each test |
250 |
Note: Removal to workshop repair shall be extra.
5. Pipe work
Pipe renewal including bolt. Nut and gasket, excluding flanges and bends.
Bore |
Pipe renew per meter |
Per bend add price |
Millimeter |
Inch |
Steel pipe |
Cooper pipe |
25 40 50 65 80 90 100 125 150 200 250 300 |
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 10 12 |
17 24 30 40 48 56 65 80 96 140 185 230 |
46 72 90 |
6.5 9 10.5 15 17 21 23 30 33 56 74 92 |
Note: (1)For pipe length under one meter, price shall be applied as one meter, for pipe length over one meter, calculation will be made according to actual length for any size between two specified sizes, the rate of higher size shall be applied. (2)Above prices are not applicable to S-shaped pipe, tank heating coil and oil tank pipes. (3)Above prices excluding stagings, pressure test, removal and obstruction for access, painting and insulation, cleaning tank and gas free. (4)In the following case, extra are charged: Pipe in engine room, pump room and cargo hold add 20% Double tank pipe and lavority pipe add 35%. (5)Galvanized pipe add 25%, acid treated pipe add 15%. (6)High pressure pipe and alloy steel pipe shall be charged with extra. (7)Removal and refitting of pipe (excluding test) charge above price; on deck add 30%, on engine room add 40%, double tank and pump room and cargo oil tank pipe add 50%. (8)Newly replace flange. 3,5 per inch diameter pipe.
6. Valve repair
To open up in place clean overhaul, grind in, renew packing and reassamble.
Dia of valve (mm) |
Globe valve |
Gate valve |
Up to 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 |
35 45 55 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 210 230 |
50 60 70 95 120 150 180 210 240 280 320 360 |
Note: (1)When the valve is sent to workshop for repair and test, price shall be charged extra by 50%. (2)Any renew and staging, paint, insulation access work not included. (3)For the valve (owner supply) renew, price based on above globe valve price as follow: ( exclude pipe system refit) deck valve 70% engine room valve 80% pump room valve 100% (4)For valve in tank, cofferdam, pump room, above price shall be increased by 30%, engine room 20%, pipe room 35%. (5)Valve working pressure over 7kg/cm2, price extra